Friday, August 30, 2013

Blog Post #1

"If I Built a School"
My school would not be as creative as Krissy Venosdale's but my classes wouldn't be that different. I'd have art all over the school and the classrooms would be state of the art everything very colorful. I'd make it where all the classrooms were like a sun room, windows all over the classroom to bright things up. I believe if you go to somewhere you like everyday it will make your day better. My classes would be all about my students. Trying to help them learn as much as they can. I'm going to be teaching Special Education. I'd talk to them about things that are going on and try to have a conversation with them and try to make their days better. Take them on walks around the campus and let them be outside for some of the day everyday. I've wanted to be a Special Education teacher since i was in 9th grade that's when i use to help the class everyday. It made me realize how blessed I am and anything to help those kids I would do it.

What I Want my Students to Know
As a teacher I want them to know as much as I can teach them in a semester. I want them coming out of my class knowing a lot more than they knew coming in. I want them to know that not every student is alike and some have different ways of learning, and I want to find their specific way of learning to help them in the future. Everyone has things that they are good at and not so good at. I want my students to understand that if you work at something you'll gradually get better at it even if it takes time. I also want my students to know that anything they need I will be there for them.

What I Want my Students to be Able to Do
I want my students to be able to do a number of things. First of all is writing and reading. Reading and writing are two of the most important things a student can do. Anything you do in life is having to do with reading and writing and comprehending. If they can do those three things then everything else will get better in the process. I also want them to learn how to work a computer. This day and age everything is done by computer so that would be a good way for them to start off on the right foot.

What My Primary Way of Teaching will be
It really depends on what is in the classroom. If the room has a smart board or chalk board in the classroom i would be able to use it. On, the chalkboard i would write down the information that the students need to know for the test but I think if i had a computer and project screen that would be my best way of teaching by power points. I think using power points is an easy way to learn and easy way for the students to write down the information and learn about it by pictures.

Tools I Will use in my Classroom
One of the many tools i will be using in class is power points. I think some teachers don't use them enough. It is an easy way to learn about anything because of picture and information on each slide. If my students rather me write stuff on a board for them to understand then I will, anything to help them learn. It's all about the student learning while he/she is in my class.

The Role my Students will play in the Classroom
My students will play a huge room in the classroom. The reason I want to become a teacher is because of them. I've realized out of all my years in school nobody plays a bigger role in a child's life than his/her teacher. I've wanted to become a teacher since I was 15 years old that is when I meet my favorite teacher she was like a mentor to me and she helped me throughout high school I could not thank her enough for all the things she done for me.